Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Church – Launching pad or landing pad?

Acts 13:1-3 (MSG)
Barnabas, Saul, and Doctor Know-It-All

The congregation in Antioch was blessed with a number of prophet-preachers and teachers:

Simon, nicknamed Niger,
Lucius the Cyrenian,
Manaen, an advisor to the ruler Herod,

One day as they were worshiping God—they were also fasting as they waited for guidance—the Holy Spirit spoke: “Take Barnabas and Saul and commission them for the work I have called them to do.”
So they commissioned them. In that circle of intensity and obedience, of fasting and praying, they laid hands on their heads and sent them off.

The church at Antioch was the Christian community founded by people of the period known as "Followers of the Way”, who normally met in an individual’s home.  The earliest Christians did not build church buildings. Instead, they gathered in homes or in Jewish worship places like the Second Temple or synagogues.

What is the main business of the church? Is it to care of its members? The church is here to visit the sick and pray with them, to take care of people at important transitions in life, such as marriage, childbirth, and death. It’s here to provide guidance and comfort for people at important times. No doubt, these are all functions of the church. But I would argue that these functions are not the main business of the church, and if we start acting as if they were, we will miss our main business.

Somehow we think that the Church is here for us; we forget that we are the Church, and we are here for the world. No, the church is a launching pad for those that are Christians or “Followers of the Way”.  We are to get filled up, be encouraged, and learn how to take the Message out to the rest of the world.

Some of us are called to travel to different parts of the world, but each of us has needs to start somewhere. Start at home, your neighborhood, your work, or your daily encounters of people. Share a smile, open a door, or have a meal with someone and share how Christ is working in you. That is how to be a Christian, by living like Christ is in you.

Let me share a quick story. My 7 year old grandson, Colton, was studying about Earth Day and decided that he needed to do something. In his backyard is a storm water management facility. Essentially, this is where the rain water from the streets drain and goes into a collection area. Not a real pretty sight. Anyway, he wanted to clean it up. So with the help of his grandparents and his 2 year old brother we took some garbage bags and trekked into the unknown.  He wasn’t in it for fame or glory, just wanting to clean up his yard. He didn’t tell anyone he was doing it, he just went and did it. He used his knowledge and his school as his launching pad. In the process he touched my life and became more of a role model to his brother.

We trekked through mud, we got caught in briers, and we got dirty. But he never complained, he never once said, I’m done, he only kept looking for the next piece of trash to pick up. At the end of the journey we collected 2 bags of trash, some scratched legs and arms, and some dirty shoes. Mostly we collected smiles and a time that I know I will never forget.

This is how we, as Christians, need to look at our Church. We need to realize that we need to start sharing the Gospel with our families, our neighbors, our coworkers, and everyone we come into contact with.  Do not be discouraged by you actions or your words, but count yourself blessed. Do not worry about getting your feet dirty or getting scratched by thorns, but you just keep looking to share the Gospel.

First things first, start praying how God wants you to show His love. Then to get the answer, read your Bible. Finally, launch yourself into the unknown and see what good you can do. You will get your reward by simple gratification knowing you are doing your part for the kingdom.

Luke 6:23 (NIV) Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, because great is your reward in heaven. For that is how their ancestors treated the prophets.

Colton, I am amazed how you touch other people’s lives and not realize it. You do not ask for anything in return and your rewards are unimaginable. Thank you for touching my life and showing me that I need to launch from my place of learning.


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  2. Great post with good food for thought. Thank you so much for sharing.
