Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Living to please God?

Galatians 6:7-8 (NIV) Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. 

I was reading the news online and saw a t-shirt which read:


Galatians 6:8.

NO ONE ever deserves rape. But the scripture caught me off guard so I had to look it up.

Now please do not think that I am advocating rape or any form of sexual discrimination. But, I can see how one may interpret this verse in a manner of bringing on problems to oneself by your actions.

Now I have read these scriptures before and in fact in my study Bible I have them highlighted.

The commentary in my Life Application Study Bible says this: It would certainly be a surprise if you planted corn and pumpkins came up. It's a natural to reap what we sow. It's true in other areas too. If you gossip about your friends, you will lose their friendship. Every action has results. If you plant to please your own desires, you'll reap a crop of sorrow and evil. If you plant to please God, you'll reap joy and everlasting life. What kind of seeds are you sowing?

Now again, I am NOT saying the person wearing the shirt was by any means right in doing what he was doing. But this lends to open up how do we live our lives?

Are we living to please God or our earthly selves?

God is aware of every single thought and intention of the heart. ‘Whatever a man sows, that he will also reap’ is a natural agricultural law that also applies in the spiritual realm. It has both a negative and a positive application. For those of us who have surrendered our lives to God we are farmers spiritually in that we are planting and sowing constantly. We currently have opportunities for the rest of our life to sow spiritual things. Once this life is over, those opportunities will be gone.

We are urged to not waste those opportunities we have but live our life to the fullest for the Lord. What is the result? We ‘reap everlasting life.’ This is not just life that endures forever but the highest quality of living that one can possibly experience. Everlasting life is both age abiding life and a fullness of life that is the life of God flowing through us. Careful sowing and reaping can have very positive results.

I am reminded that we should be careful what you want, because it becomes what you think. Be careful what you think, because it becomes what you do. Be careful what you do, because it becomes a habit. Be careful of your habits, because they become your character. Be careful of your character, because it becomes your destiny.

Our daily prayer should be: “LORD, direct my steps today so that words and deeds are spiritual seeds sown to reap eternal life.”

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