Saturday, January 6, 2024

God showing up in the littlest of things

 Luke 24:30-31 When he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them.  Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him, and he disappeared from their sight.

Besides God being a miracle worker, a discloser of mysteries, a deliverer, and a mighty God, He is also  working in all things, not just the big, momentous things. When I say ALL things, I mean even the little things like popcorn.

Popcorn? How does God use popcorn for His glory? 

Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

So I need to share with you how God does things in the smallest of ways that we can overlook. We decided to show a movie at our church one Sunday afternoon. I was helping the Pastor with the logistics of getting that accomplished. We decided where to show the movie at, made sure the projector was hooked up correctly, sound system working well enough, and putting the seats in a way that would be theater like.

As we were discussing the nuances of preparing, I mentioned that we need popcorn.  You can’t go to the movies without popcorn. The Pastor said that the church has or had a large popcorn popper like the one used in theaters. I said perfect, where is that and I will get it and clean it up. We searched for quite some time, looking in every storage room, every office space and every closet. We did find the base, but no popcorn machine. We were a bit miffed on where it could be.

Now the Pastor did say that it hadn’t been used in several years, that maybe someone borrowed it. We checked with the youth minister, nope, he had not seen it. We checked with several of the older folks that knew were things were stored. One suggested the shed(s). We searched there, nope. One of others did say that we were having some issues with it years ago and ended up renting a machine in the past. So it is possible that it was thrown away.

If you know me, once I get an idea in my head I will exhaust all resources until I figure it out or finally come to the conclusion that it can’t be accomplished. I began to research about purchasing one. You see, you have to have popcorn to watch a movie, especially if the church is using this has an outreach. Plus if I purchased one, we could use it at home, as we do like our popcorn. Some after some cost & benefit analysis; I decided not to purchase and just let it be.

The week goes by and we are prepping for the movie, discussion with a few people about not being able to find the popcorn machine. So the day comes to show the movie. Several of us show up about an hour before the start time. One person brings in a large pan and popcorn. Okay so he makes 3 large bowls of popcorn. I’m thinking this is a start, but we’re expecting 40 people or more. Others begin showing up and people are bringing in bags of popcorn from home. I counted 3 from one family, another large bag from another and some homemade caramel corn from another. I didn’t think a whole lot about, but after the movie and we were cleaning up, I realized that anyone who wanted popcorn got their fill and lots of leftovers. We fed 45 people.

Then it dawned on me like someone screaming at me, POPCORN! God showed up and delivered popcorn to our small country church.

Now you may say I ‘m a bit off, but to me this was God’s way of showing me that there is nothing insignificant He won’t do for us, even as small as popcorn.

1 Corinthians 1:28-29 NIV  God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are,  so that no one may boast before him.

Thank you God for making me humble.




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