Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Life is Fragile

Psalm 39:5-6 (NIV) You have made my days a mere handbreadth; the span of my years is as nothing before you. Everyone is but a breath, even those who seem secure. “Surely everyone goes around like a mere phantom; in vain they rush about, heaping up wealth without knowing whose it will finally be.

Do you remember when you were in your 20’s when life felt invincible? Life was so carefree, living in the present, didn't think much about the future.

My father’s oldest brother, my Uncle Jim, went home to be with the Lord on February 3, 2015 at the age of 87. He touched everyone he met in a loving way. He was that old school gentleman that reminded my wife of Cary Grant, suave and debonair.

Life these days feels so unstable and unpredictable. Every day good people die and bad people live. Children are lost to illness, random accidents, willful acts of violence, and other children lose their parents for similar reasons. People die in their sleep thousands of miles from home. Our loved ones always seem to die too suddenly.

Luke 12:25-26 (NIV) Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?

Could it be a function of age and the awareness that, not only will I not live forever, but that my remaining years on Earth are fewer than those that have already passed? Maybe it's that there is so much more at stake as you get older and when you have a family.

I know as a Christian I am struggling with trying to share the word of Jesus and the gift of everlasting life with my friends and family. I try not to “preach” to them. But try to show them how I live and love them where they are. The older I get the more I want my grandchildren to have a personal relationship with Jesus. So time seems to be running out a lot faster than “back in the day”.

James 4:14 (NIV) Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.

Do you know God? Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ? Where will you spend eternity, heaven or hell? Do you know that you know you know? If God presented himself to you now and said that today would be the last day of your life, would you be satisfied with the way you’d leave things? If the answer is no, you have some stuff to do.  Stop waiting for the time to be right because there is never a right time. Now is that time.

Life is fragile. Life is a wonderful gift from God and it should not be taken for granted. Handle with prayer.

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